There are so many productivity tips and tricks out there in the universe, it can be hard to decipher which ones really work, and which ones actually take up more of your time. The most valuable thing we have is our time, as it cannot be bought or replaced. That’s why it is so important to eliminate distractions and stay focused on the end goal so that we can maximize our productivity!
I’ve tried a lot of productivity hacks over the years, and have discovered that some definitely work better than others, which is why I am going to be sharing my top 5 productivity tips and tricks today with you! Productivity tools alone won’t help you master your time and energy but they can surely help!
1. The Pomodoro Technique

The Pomodoro Technique is one of the BEST productivity hacks out there. If you actually implement it into your work blocks, you will 10x your productivity for sure.
All you do is set a timer for 25 minutes, and get to work on a singular task for the bulk of that session. When the timer goes off, take a five minute break, away from electronics. That could be doing a quick stretch, reading a book, eating a snack, etc. Then, set another timer, and get back to work
You can complete up to four pomodoro sessions in a row, but after the two hour mark, take a longer break for 20 minutes. I would actually recommend not doing any more than four pomodoro sessions all at once, as after two hours on any task, your focus tends to wane, and your brain checks out mentally.
I have been applying the pomodoro technique whenever I need to get deep focused work done on my business and it has helped me immensely. It helps me stay on track and actually focus as I know I have a timer looming, and it allows me to see the progress I’ve made after one or more pomodoro sessions. Definitely be sure to try it out for yourself during your next productivity work session!
If you’d like more information, make sure to check out my Youtube video down below where I explain the Pomodoro Technique in much more detail and give you my top tips and tricks for it as well!
2. Batching

You may not have been surprised that batching is one of my top productivity tips and tricks, but it has seriously changed my productivity game over the last few years.
Batching is when you take like-minded tasks and group them together to complete in a designated amount of time all at once.
You can batch everything, from business to personal (Ex: Meal Prep, Laundry, Content, Responding to Emails, Budgeting, etc.). Batching is designed to save you time and energy, as it allows you to work almost mindlessly, as all of the tasks are the same and your brain can get into a flow state- that’s when you’re really in the zone!
I use batching primarily to batch my content, like blog posts, social media posts, youtube videos, etc. (Click here to watch all about how batching 13 blog posts for quarter two went…it was interesting to say the least)
Batching helps eliminate task hopping, which is when you jump from task to task and they’re all unrelated. Our brains cannot keep up with all of the stimuli, and as a result, we get nothing accomplished. By choosing similar tasks to focus on during your productivity session, you are helping minimize distractions and ensuring your success at finishing all of your tasks!
I have a FREE Batching Guide for you if you’re new to batching or want to refine your batching process- The Timely Teacher Seller’s Guide: Be sure to download your free copy here!

3. Using A Project Management System (Trello)
If you’ve been following me at all, then you know I am obsessed with Trello!! Trello is a project management tool that I basically use to organize my entire life at this point.
A project management tool essentially allows you to plan and map out project tasks and activities, build schedules and timelines, assign tasks to team members, and organize your projects in one centralized location.
You can create boards which are kind of like chapters in a textbook and store and organize tons of information for your business.
I have created boards for all of my systems and workflows for things like blog posts, youtube videos, DFY client work, course creation, annual planning, household chores, and more! Click here to read my blog post on the importance of Workflows to see how using a project management tool could really benefit your business!
You can purchase my TPT Seller Trello Business Organizational Bundle here, and scoop up my favorite boards I use in my own business (Blog Workflow, Podcast Workflow, Business Headquarters, Clip Arts & Fonts, Launch Workflow, Content Calendar).
Some other well known project management systems are Asana, Clickup, and Monday, but there are countless others to choose from. I would recommend checking them out, doing your research, and seeing which one works for you- but definitely start utilizing one if you want to really start taking your teacher seller business seriously!
4. The Greater 3 Method

The Greater 3 Method is one of my best productivity tips and tricks, as it is simple, yet effective.
All you do is choose 3 major tasks for the week, and then break them down into smaller actionable steps daily, in 3 steps or less! I love putting mine on sticky notes by my desk so that I can easily check them off once completed- there’s no greater feeling!
For example, maybe my three tasks for the week are to write a blog post, finish module III of my course, and pitch myself to five podcasts. I would then take each of those tasks and break them down into steps, and then add those steps into my calendar every day to make sure I actually complete them! Maybe one day I outline my blog post, research podcasts, and record a module video, and the next day I create graphics for the post, write my pitch emails, and upload the video to the portal.
By only having 3 things on your to-do list, you are actually able to see the end goal, and see progress towards your goals, as you are much more likely to finish 3 tasks within a week as opposed to the 50+ items on your never-ending to-do list. Plus, if you finish early, you can get ahead on future tasks as well!
If you’ve never tried the Greater 3 Method, definitely try adding it into the upcoming week, and see how much more work you get done with a clear goal in mind!
5. The Ideal Day Blueprint
If you do not read anything else, this section is probably the most important of all, where I share my biggest productivity secret….
It doesn’t matter how much you get done if you are doing it at the WRONG TIME. There is a perfect time to do everything in your life, from creating content, to exercising, to doing your finances, and more! The WHEN of productivity is going to change the game for you.
It has to do with your biological clock, otherwise known as your circadian pacemaker. Everybody’s biological clock is different, hence why some people can wake up at the crack of dawn and get to work, while others are not friendly until after 9:00am and have tons of coffee in them.
What if you were able to identify how your biological clock operates, and then build your schedule around it, ensuring maximum productivity?
Enter sleep chronotypes- there are four standard times that your biological clock may fall under: Bear, Lion, Dolphin, & Wolf.
Lions are our 5am miracle morning crew, the ones that are always bright eyed and bushy tailed
Bears rise and fall with the sun (If the sun is not up, neither am I)
Dolphins are a bit of a wild card- very light sleepers, sporadic in productivity, tend to be insomniacs
Wolves are our late owl party people- the middle of the night is their jam
By recognizing which chronotype you are, you can then begin to analyze your schedule and start finding the best times for you to do deep work vs. creativity vs. connection and more!
Want to find out what you are today?? Take my FREE Discover Your Chronotype Quiz here and find out if you’re a Bear, Lion, Dolphin, or Wolf!
The Ideal Day Blueprint is the exact method I teach inside of my signature course The Batching Breakdown, a course designed for teacher sellers where I teach you the ins and outs of how I run my business through, batching, systems, and workflows, with learning the WHEN of productivity at its core. Make sure to sign up for the waitlist here- Launch is June 7th, and the waitlist is going to get an extra special deal before it launches!!
And those are my top 5 productivity tips and tricks for teacherpreneurs!! I hope you learned one or two new productivity tips you can start implementing into your work sessions and 10x your productivity! Let me know in the comments below which tip was your favorite!!